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Harry, Ron and Hermione found an empty carriage on the Hogwarts Express and sat down. Hermione got out Hogwarts: A History and Ron and book on Wizarding chess while Harry sat staring out of the window at the people still boarding and their families waving goodbye. Over the summer Ron and Hermione had finally confessed their feelings to each other and gotten together. Ron had matured greatly that summer, mentally as well as physically. He had reached a staggering six foot five and was muscular from quidditch practice. Hermione had also grown. She was now five foot six and very curvy. Her hair was no longer frizzy but sleek and fell in ringlets. Harry had finally had a growth spurt with the aid of nutrition potions. Quidditch and all his chores at the Dursleys had given him a nicely toned body. He had grown his hair out so that it reached his chin and the faint reddish highlights it had always possessed were more visible. If you looked into his eyes then you would see a soul older than the body it inhabited, they had a haunted look to them. Harry had built up masks to cover his real emotions long ago and his eyes were the only place you could read the truth if you knew how. He no longer looked like his father. His was his own person and you would not be able to tell his parentage just by looking.
Краткий перевод: Рон, Гермиона и Гарри очень изменились за лето...
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